"You already know my name, and since you claimed such familiarity with me, I won't stand on ceremony and insist you call me 'milord'."
He based his second conclusion on the fact that two of them had claimed little or no familiarity with Mr. Sharpton.
They crossed into Russia, engaging at the frontier post a new guide, a large and bearded Kurd who claimed familiarity with the requirements of foreigners.
Amanda Grayson, student and adept of the discipline, citizen of Earth, knew of no one who claimed complete familiarity with the maze.
He would have claimed intimate familiarity with the place, but the claim would be a fraud.
In other respects a field officer will not claim familiarity with another district unless he happens to have worked it himself in the past.
Several reliable sources claimed familiarity to the 1960s and 1970s, and we were able to confirm this with a 1974 citation from the musician David Bowie.
I think that human scientific knowledge has moved on, far past anything with which we can claim familiarity.
"What do we - you" - he caught himself quickly not to claim too such familiarity with the Lord-One - "do now?"
He also claimed familiarity with the techniques of the Russian secret service.