Under current law, landmarked churches that claim hardship must appeal to the commission for permission to demolish or alter their properties.
For years, claiming economic hardship, the landlord did little to comply with the housing codes.
The owners, some of whom are claiming economic hardship because of the salaries, want a bigger take of the $2 billion.
"It's an old trick to say you're building a hotel," he said, "and then claim economic hardship to sneak in a residence."
They often trigger lawsuits by landowners claiming hardship or confiscation of property rights.
And the barbershop owner, charged with providing nine people with verification of employment so that they could claim financial hardship from the attacks.
Students who claim economic hardship, for instance, are encouraged to take jobs after school hours.
Previous owners, claiming financial hardship, succeeded in getting the county to decrease the hotel's assessed value.
He asked the government to pay his lawyer, claiming financial hardship.
"Apparently down the line, they can claim hardship and turn it into condos."