Now that Soviet rule is over, he claims in his memoirs that he resisted the system all along.
Berger later claimed in his memoirs that the hate with which he was prosecuted by the police made him fire at the officers.
Falkenhayn claimed in his memoirs that, rather than a traditional military victory, Verdun was planned as a vehicle for destroying the French Army.
Michael Powell claimed in his memoirs that he had his first experience of working in films on that production.
Sarah later claimed in her memoirs that she had raised Abigail "in all regards as a sister".
Shah Nawaz claims in his personal memoirs that the INA was a very potent and motivated force.
Truman claimed in his memoirs that this would have cost another half a million American lives.
At the time French wrote in his diary that Lanrezac was "a very capable soldier", although he claimed otherwise in his memoirs "1914".
Marguerite claimed in her memoirs that he would have killed her if Catherine had not stopped him.
Begin claimed in his memoirs that the British had deliberately not evacuated so that they could vilify the Jewish militant groups.