Hell, he couldn't even claim insanity, because even a crazy man would have walked away.
Michael was sent to prison, and even though he claimed insanity, stayed there for four years.
Todd claims insanity and is sent to Ferncliff.
"You know, somebody just might snap, shoot you, then claim temporary insanity," the officer told us.
This was the first time in Judicial history where a person claimed insanity as a reason for being not guilty.
On May 15, 2009, it was reported that Nowak would not claim insanity if her case ever went to trial.
At her trial Bradley claimed temporary insanity.
Frank Newman, convicted of murdering his wife, had claimed temporary insanity and acute alcoholism.
Under Wisconsin law, cases in which the defendant claims insanity are tried in two phases.
(Some have suggested that he went to the doctors to eventually be able to claim insanity at trial.)