The Catholic League claims political neutrality, which is mostly required of non-profits.
Boaco Six wants to claim neutrality and make deals on all sides.
"I think he will bring investments to the region," said Mr. Derev, who is claiming neutrality in the parliamentary contest.
Prince King Prajadhipok, who claimed neutrality during the conflict, fled to England a few weeks after the defeat.
Liechtenstein did not participate in World War I, claiming neutrality.
As someone who voted in all of those elections - and, no, I won't say for whom - I can hardly claim neutrality.
San Marino claimed neutrality in the war.
The generals claimed neutrality in the latest elections, but the rules sidelined a large slice of the political spectrum.
Although Muslims claim neutrality in the fighting, the Government says the Tamil guerrillas suspect them of siding with the army.
I had expected Nash to claim neutrality, and I loved him now more than ever before.