As for the other cases in the ledger, I admit you may have a reasonable claim for them to pay, if they accept the records on their own merit, alone.
The company chosen to handle the claim pays the repair costs and recover these and other incurred losses directly from the person at fault's insurers.
Weiss said that Lloyd's, having paid the claim based on allegedly fraudulent information, had essentially repaid part of Chavez's loan to King.
The paper says the false claims paid may total more than $1 billion.
The claims to enter here are those paid in the calendar year 2000 in respect of 1997 and prior years of account.
The highest claims paid globally run into millions of dollars, but not the tens of millions.
"If you have applicants with 5, or 10 or 5,000 claims paying the same amount, then someone is getting subsidized," Mr. Dudas explained.
After six years of litigation, eventually reaching the High Court, the Church of Scientology admitted that the claims were lies and paid £155,000 in damages and costs.
To date, those claims have paid an average of $1.8 million per family.
Even though Glencoe's case was written off and its claims paid, Bardell was to be praised.