But it added that it did grant "temporary refuge" to individuals claiming political or religious persecution.
He was found by the detective squad while he was living in the Netherlands as a refugee, claiming persecution at home.
And then they claim persecution by others.
As in Northern Ireland, they claimed religious persecution by the Buddhist majority.
Immigrants claiming persecution in the old country could be turned back at the American border by a single border official, with perhaps an appeal to a supervisor.
This landed them on a list of persons who claim persecution but who may have been involved in human rights abuses themselves.
He later appealed for political asylum, claiming persecution by Israel.
While many Fujianese promptly apply for political asylum, claiming persecution, they remain emotionally close to China.
In several countries, tens of thousands of applications for asylum are filed each year by people claiming persecution in their home countries.
"How could someone apply at the consulate, claiming persecution from the country they're fleeing from?"