Residents of the South Plains claim residency in both regions.
More than 40,000 people - the majority of them children - moved here and claimed residency.
There have also been newspaper reports that Mrs. Clinton was hunting for an apartment in the state so she could claim residency.
He is also considered the guardian of the Constitution and the rights and freedoms of those who claim Belarusian citizenship or residency.
To comply with these laws, many homeless people claim residency at soup kitchens, homeless shelters and even intersections or parks.
Some Puerto Ricans move to the mainland; others claim residency while visiting friends or relatives.
Other population difficulties encountered in Kuwait involves stateless people who claim residency for Kuwait.
Hong Kong officials say they believe that at least one million people could claim residency.
In reality the population is smaller as many people who claim residency in Shijak actually reside permanently eleswhere.
Romney had claimed residency in Utah from 1999 to 2002, during his time as president of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee.