But the Pakistanis, inhibited by military regulations that did not allow the troops to shoot until shot at, were outmaneuvered by the armed clan factions and their leaders.
The Red Cross has acknowledged this is not a fail-safe method and that some of its food has been looted in the past by clan factions.
By 1467 the simmering dispute had evolved, encouraging a split amongst the powerful daimyō and clan factions.
The most powerful clan faction is known as the 'Sudairi Seven', comprising the late King Fahd and his full brothers and their descendants.
In July 1992, after a ceasefire between the opposing clan factions, the U.N. sent 50 military observers to watch the food's distribution.
Likewise, the men promised to integrate extensive regional and clan factions.
In 1468 the town was the site of a major battle between warring clan factions in the Basque Country (the Oñacinos and the Gamboinos).
Even the Somalis agree that the United Nations has taken on the role of another clan faction in Somalia.
Many Divisions As they have fought and lost campaigns for autonomy, the Kurds have shown themselves divided by clan, faction and national boundaries.
In July 1992, after a ceasefire between the opposing clan factions, the United Nations (UN) sent 50 military observers to hold sight on the distribution of the food.