Also often noble families claimed inaccurate clan membership.
In any event, this route to clan membership was later forbidden.
Should a family move to another village, they may change their clan membership in order to fit into the three-group marriage exchange circle.
Village stratification is limited but based primarily on clan membership and wealth.
The Cobras acknowledge that in the tradition of urban gangs, neighborhood loyalty rather than clan membership determines gang affiliation here.
It is possible for Somalis to know how they are related simply by giving their name and clan membership.
Hmong kinship is also strongly connected spiritually to their ancestors meaning the power of clan membership transcends death itself.
Rachel Grosvenor struggles with claiming her birthright, clan membership.
He has belittled a venerable site and ancient community in his superficial quest for "clan membership."
Well into the 20th century, the Cherokee had a kinship system of matrilineal descent, clan membership and family organization.