The spiritual hierarchy in clan-based Mongolian society was complex.
And this has significantly altered the mind-set of a clan-based society that lived under occupation for 50 years.
The clan-based society makes it extremely difficult for police to impose law.
The Malus are thus portrayed as a clan-based society where the strongest rule over the others.
In the background of the setting the Skaven are described as a clan-based society in which the number 13 holds important significance.
The fighting has created far-reaching blood debts in this clan-based society that residents say may take generations to heal.
These events were key in the shaping of the Chechen nationhood and their martial-oriented and clan-based society.
As a clan-based society, genealogy was all important.
Klaus Hesse described the complex spiritual hierarchy in clan-based Mongolian society based on sources that go back to the 13th century.
Accordingly, Islam eliminated the relics of the clan-based society and became the ideology of an urban society.