The Party of God is widely believed to be associated with clandestine factions holding 25 foreign nationals, including the Church of England envoy and 8 Americans.
The Party of God has denied involvement in hostage taking, but it has often been cited as the umbrella organization for the clandestine factions holding the captives.
Sixteen other Westerners, including eight Americans, are missing in Lebanon, believed kidnapped by militant clandestine factions, mostly supporters of Iran.
It said other clandestine factions holding hostages were party to the reported deal.
The Party of God is widely thought to be an umbrella for clandestine factions holding nine Americans and seven other Western nationals hostage.
Mercenaries: Mercenaries are a clandestine faction of elite stalkers, operating in the zone as soldiers-for-hire.
The Party of God, which has repeatedly denied involvement in taking hostages, is often described as the power base of clandestine factions linked to Iran.
It is widely thought to be the umbrella organization for clandestine factions holding at least 14 foreign hostages, including 9 Americans.
He succeeded in creating a clandestine "maximalist faction", favourable to the Bolsheviks, and continued to spread anti-war propaganda.
For the 250,000 inhabitants, there are no fewer than 14 political parties or movements and at least three clandestine armed factions.