An interview at that hour, in this darksome retreat, with a man of this mysterious but formidable character; a clandestine interview, and one which you afterwards endeavoured with so much solicitude to conceal!
The capture came just as the colonel was beginning a clandestine interview with Steve Le Vine, a freelance reporter working for Newsday.
Each tried to steal clandestine interviews with her, but at the critical moment the other would always turn up.
One of these reports included a clandestine interview with László Tőkés, who was arrested shortly after the broadcast took place.
"We would have had a problem if Mrs. Aquino had implemented liberal democratic reforms such as land reform," a Communist spokesman, Saturnino Ocampo, said in a recent clandestine interview.
If it could not be done with Mr. Mills's sanction and concurrence, I besought a clandestine interview in the back kitchen where the Mangle was.
Cristal, the host and star of a TV show called "Starmania," gets a call from Sadia offering her a clandestine interview with Johnny Rockfort, whose face no one knows.
Based on their actions this week and glimpses of their organization they have given in clandestine interviews, the Popular Revolutionary Army seems to be much better financed and more heavily armed than the Zapatistas.
Mr. Honasan and General Abenina have been granting clandestine interviews threatening another military strike.
The accusation against Mr. Sheikh is that he deceived the reporter by promising to arrange a clandestine interview with an Islamic militant leader.