The immigrants reportedly paid as much as $30,000 each to make the clandestine trip to America.
Aristotle concluded that he had to learn more about her clandestine trips to these various Brazilian coastal cities.
There was virtually no complaining at roadblocks by residents kept from their homes, and there were few clandestine trips to check on property.
The clandestine trip has become an annual ritual for him, as he goes home each winter to see his children.
But the young singer persisted, performing on the military circuit and even taking a clandestine trip to New York City.
The Colonel had taken a clandestine trip south to Kyushu and had found out the truth.
But there is a way out, as creative couples are discovering, and it does not require a clandestine trip to Las Vegas.
Both sides called the clandestine trip unofficial but gave no reason why they chose to use that term.
Sometime between her first clandestine trip out here and now, Harold had locked up tight.
The clandestine trip to the theater was theonly time I have ever gone out without her full knowledge and consent!