Can we get someone to clarify the senator's comment and his mood at the time he made it?
A master plan, identifying the educational needs and requirements of the area will be developed to clarify this at a later date.
However, Figure 2.1 does seem to clarify several aspects of the undergraduate curriculum at a more practical level.
On the other hand, we don't want to get in your way, and we should clarify at the start our respective roles.
Emanuel contains no discussion of features common among the treaties, showing how being brief does not always clarify the legal matter at hand.
In this situation the salesperson should question the nature of the objection in order to clarify the specific problem at hand.
That clarifies his ambitions for Labour at the next general election then.
So I welcome the fact that those affected are starting to clarify these issues at the highest judicial level.
The subsidiarity principle clarifies responsibilities at regional and national level.
I should like to clarify this right at the outset.