The clash ended after an hour, and there were no serious injuries.
The government brought reinforcements, and by 21:00, the clashes ended.
The clash - chronicled by letters of participants and witnesses - apparently ended in a draw.
The clash ended disastrously for the 1,800 French who quickly took fright and ran away.
Those clashes ended when American-led troops and the Afghan Army were sent in.
Short armed clashes in Chiapas ended two weeks after the uprising and there have been no full-scale confrontations ever since.
That clash had ended, inauspiciously, with a military assault that killed six workers.
The clash did not end the march, but most marchers left as they learned of the violence.
Then the clash of steel ended in a chopping crunch, and one man went to his knees with a choking gasp.
The clashes continued throughout the night and only ended in the morning of 22 June.