Kelly's televised clash with McGuinness prompted the families of other security force members in the Republic killed or wounded by the IRA to speak out.
The clash prompted U.S.-led coalition forces to call in two A-10s from Bagram air base as air support.
According to these reports, the ensuing intercommunal clashes had prompted the imposition of a curfew in Samarkand and the despatch to the city of Interior Ministry troop reinforcements.
The incident, and subsequent clashes, prompted the Kremlin to order a change of leadership in a bid to reduce the level of violence.
Various other clashes prompted him to demand the resignation of all Police commanders who sympathized with the movement.
This diplomatic clash leading to several waves of protest, prompted the downfall of the Portuguese government.
The clashes prompted a call for National Assembly members loyal to Mr. Sadr to boycott their legislative duties - he enjoys the support of a large minority of Shiite legislators.
The clash prompted the police to close a highway near the campus for more than two hours this afternoon.
These often violent clashes prompted the signing of the Table Rock Treaty on September 10, 1853.
This clash with the authorities prompted an important shift in the ideology of the Ikhwan, evident in the writing of one prominent member, Sayyid Qutb.