The class of a citizen determines what job he gets, and his pay ('red, green and yellow points').
In addition to other abilities, a character's class usually determines the types of weapons and armor that they can use.
With a class-based system, one's chosen class determines his or her character's strengths and weaknesses.
A planet's class determines the number of improvement tiles that are available for building.
It examines how class determines fate during the Joseon era through two men who swap lives.
A strong-willed class of recruits arrived in the fall of 1986, determined not to let losing beat them down.
The class of a section of track determines the maximum possible running speed limits and the ability to run passenger trains.
The book argues that regardless of race, social economic class will determine how children cultivate skills they will use in the future.
High social class, familiarity with the bourgeois culture and educational credentials determined one's life chances.
And in between those five years the classes determine what that government will do.