During the annual induction ceremony, a new class of inventors is recognized.
Traditionally, a third class of vowels, known as "variable length" vowels, is recognized.
When classes are employed, three classes often are recognized: revolver, stock, and pin gun.
Dearborn High's 2010 senior class was recognized for exceeding the state average in standard reading, writing, and math.
Two classes of genes are recognized (early and late).
For two loci, 14 classes of epistatic interactions are recognized.
But when the bartender failed to call him by name, he supposed that only his class had been recognized.
Four classes of typewriters had been recognized by the U. S. Patent Office.
Discrimination is also widespread in countries which have a culture in which castes or social classes are widely recognized.
Different pharmacological classes of eye drops can be recognized by patients by their different colored tops.