First class medals were totally silver made in a convex egg-shape.
He exhibited at the Salons, and won a second class medal in 1831.
The third class medal was always struck struck from solid brass.
In 2000 it was re-instituted together with the Order and Cross, as a three class medal.
In 1874 he won a third class medal for his painting of a monk carving a Christ in wood.
In 1880 he won a second class medal for his painting Un coin d'atelier (a corner of the workshop).
There is no limit on the number of third class medals.
At his graduation, in January 1935, he was to receive the senior class medal for excellence in art.
He received a third class medal at the Salon of 1861, with a reminder in 1863.
In the same year he obtained a third class medal at Paris, and in 1844 a second class.