They spend the rest of the story tarting up the class nerd so that she'll keep their secret.
As the class nerd, he unwittingly becomes the perfect target for ruthless bullying at Springfield Elementary School.
Natalie was the class nerd, complete with a Princess Leia honeybun hairdo, glasses, and a mouthful of braces.
Rock: The class nerd.
Chandler Darby, as Steven, the class nerd who harbors a secret crush on Gwen.
THE class nerd memorized it.
At the prom, he danced one dance with the class nerd, who he meets again in the course of the series and become involved with ("Rogues").
Sean is the class nerd who endures Mark's indignities in order to bask in his tormentor's macho glamour.
Like the star neurosurgeon at your high school reunion who used to be the class nerd, cars, too, change shape, image and even social class.
A very successful corporate and family man told me that he was the class nerd, clumsy, nearsighted, no dates, only good at math and chess.