Students are selected based on class standing or writing ability to work on the Law Review during their second and third years.
The higher you scores and class standing, the greater chance for a nomination, assuming qualifications in the remaining areas of consideration.
Race and other large-scale groupings can also influence class standing.
He was senior to all of them, yet his authority, while real and legal, rested solely on their class standings.
No one doubts that class standing means little in the real world.
He also knew Queeg's precedence number, his class standing, and several other facts about him.
He was also an excellent student, judging by his grades and where he'd stood in their final class standings.
I don't know why you're so obsessive about the class standings.
He was fourth in the 1952 500 class standings.
Working in the summer with a tutor, she made up failed courses to advance in class standing.