Willie is much less inclined to politics than his father (in fact, the one time he ran for class treasurer, his father controlled the entire campaign) and is extraordinarily stupid.
Mary Ann remembered it all too well: head majorette, class treasurer for three years, president of the Y-Teens.
He joined the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity in his sophomore year, and became class treasurer and assistant editor of The Sagebrush in his junior year.
Her extracurricular activities included another term as class treasurer, a stint as president of the math club, and a place in the starting lineup of the baseball team.
Transparent Girl - A girl who runs against Ordinary Boy as class treasurer.
During high school, Nicole was class treasurer throughout her junior year.
"From the materials they gave us, we gather we have the right to pray," said Chad Vance, the 18-year-old class treasurer.
Her three terms as class treasurer.
He lived there through high school and graduated from Danbury High School in 1981 where he was class treasurer.
In the front row, the senior class treasurer waved a sign demanding more money for education, and warning, "We'll remember in November."