The game features no customization, but instead uses the traditional class-based system.
With a class-based system, one's chosen class determines his or her character's strengths and weaknesses.
In a Marxist utopia, everyone would happily share property and wealth, free from the restrictions that class-based systems require.
Characters improve in ability by using a mix of class-based and skill-based systems.
In a class-based system, a fighter is often not allowed any magical abilities, while mages are typically poor fighters.
The Age of Decadence uses a skill-based system, not a class-based system.
These games are sometimes referred to as 'class-based' systems.
Some class-based systems allow options as the player progresses in level.
A common alternative to class-based systems, skill-based systems are designed to give the player a stronger sense of control over how their character develops.
Like class-based systems, classless games have their own set of criticisms.