Rolling Stone wrote: "Britney Spears carries on the classic archetype of the rock & roll teen queen, the dungaree doll, the angel baby who just has to make a scene."
Late films such as The Princess Bride, Pirates of the Caribbean and The Mask of Zorro he had to modify the classic archetype to attract a big audience.
Donaldson explains one of the intents in writing this first book, which was originally to be only a stand alone novella, was to present the three classic archetypes of victim, villain & hero and then have them exchange roles.
Although Meddaugh makes good use of all the classic fairy-tale archetypes - the old hag, the oppressed little girl, the mean family, the magic wand - there is nothing predictable about this story.
"Irresistibly melodic... it remains a classic archetype of female adolescent yearning."
Many of the films take classic European archetypes and transform them.
Far from requiring pyrotechnics, the Mediathon is at its most effective when it refurbishes and recharges the simple, classic archetypes of American pulp entertainment.
Surprisingly, the most potent examples of this process come not from the central story of Dece and his family - who are written and acted more like classic archetypes than specific characters - but from secondary figures.
The protagonists meet Emperor Ming almost immediately, and Ming is revealed as being the classic archetype of the Evil Overlord.
The saga was intended to be a "hero's journey"-style story, in which the characters were classic archetypes.