The classic Italian cookbook of Maria Luisa Tagliente uses one egg, two tablespoons of water and a lemon peel, grated.
The majority of the collection has been donated by Dan and Jan Longone, building on the library's existing collection of classic American cookbooks.
I had once served a variation of this dressing, which I found in the pages of Alice Waters's classic cookbook "Vegetables."
A classic cookbook, Elizabeth David's newly revised "Italian Food" (Harper & Row, 1987, $27.50), is filled with superb details and illustrations.
Or make a summery soup; classic French cookbooks often have recipes.
Additionally, a classic Norwegian cookbook (Hanna Winsnes) from 1845 tells about how to make lye for lutefisk from a combination of birch ash, limestone, and water.
THE classic American cookbook "Joy of Cooking" was originally published in 1931.
Babinski lived with his younger brother, Henri Babinski, a distinguished engineer and famous cook who, as "Ali Baba," published a classic cookbook.
The company has branched out into Biscuit Books, which reprints classic cookbooks.
Paula Wolfert, the author of the classic cookbook "The Cooking of Southern France," put it another way: "These Hollywood people need a trip to the Dordogne.