But it was the start of a disciplined attack following classic Soviet mechanized doctrine, which Army officials now say was one of the Iraqi Army's last coordinated offensives.
In this way, Polo overturns the classic doctrine of transcendentals, for which properties such as 'being', 'one', 'truth', 'good' and 'beauty' are universal and all-embracing, including human beings.
Even so," Mary said in rising exasperation, "in the absence of orders, it has to follow classic doctrine: destroy assets rather than let the enemy have them.
He was trying to justify why we need missile defense against rogue leaders, who, he claimed, cannot be deterred by the classic doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD), which has kept the peace for 50 years.
But even if Iran has the bomb, it will be subject to the same classic doctrine of nuclear deterrence that restrained the nuclear powers during the cold war.
The articles reported, however, that he was also a widely admired theological scholar whose theological reflections were deeply rooted in Scripture, the early church thinkers and classic Christian doctrines.
Donald Sherburne, for example, says, "Edward Bullough's psychical distance has become "a classic doctrine of aesthetic thinking.
In the classic doctrine of natural rights as expounded by for instance Locke and Blackstone, on the other hand, it is an important idea that the right to life can be forfeited.
It was a reversal of all classic doctrine, for the inability of an old-fashioned LAC to squeeze in and power a weapon like the massive graser theShrike-B was wrapped around had left the designers no option but to rely on missiles.
The United Gospel Tabernacles hold to classic Pentecostal doctrines.