On 29 January 1943, in a classic duel, Kiwi and Moa rammed and wrecked the Japanese submarine I-1.
He stranded a runner at second base in the first inning by retiring three straight batters, including Rusty Greer, whom he struck out after a classic eight-pitch duel.
In yesterday's classic duel with Hasselbeck, once his backup on the Packers, Favre could not afford to make a mistake, and he did not.
A classic duel is in prospect.
In Epic Duels, you create hundreds of never-before-seen battles or relive classic duels.
The bout began as the classic duel between the two nations, strong puncher against superior boxer.
It was a classic duel on the daunting circuit, which still lacked armco around half the track in 1974.
Sutton and Woods remember their classic duel well, with Sutton refusing to wilt under the back-nine pressure applied by Woods.
Then Behrens tangled with Victory Gallop in the Whitney in August and lost a classic duel by a nose.
In a classic duel, Miller bested Jason Kidd and the Nets.