My now publicly exposed co-conspiratress and I have recently finished the second prequel to this story and now if you want to push it, we've got a classic twelve-book epic.
It came from a branch of the Royal Navy and included what was described as a classic British-made naval epic titled "The Yangtse Incident."
Other, more dramatic scenes were lifted from classic Chinese epics and chronicles.
The plays are invariably based on romantic tales, especially adaptations of the classic Indian epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana.
The story of Razadarit's reign is recorded in a classic epic that exists in Mon, Burmese and Thai language forms.
"As noble as yourself," Rod agreed, but inside, he was wondering just how a classic epic and a classic parody had both become mixed up in his grandfather's romance.
This claim was made during the Middle Ages and is disputed in John Milton's classic epic, Paradise Lost.
Stories were almost always derived from classic epics (monogatari) or from other historical sources, and it was not at all uncommon for elements to be changed.
The classic Indian epic, the Ramayana, was written around 300 B.C.
The same beach has appeared in the classic epics Genji monogatari, Heike monogatari, and Ise monogatari.