The basic program comes with several examples of classic fiction, in French, German, Spanish and Latin.
A really nice lady who produced some classic fiction, even if her later work wasn't quite up to the standard of the early stuff.
They are long narratives broken into parts like classic serialized fiction, rather than merely a series of individual melodramatic episodes.
Shelving filled with a mixture of academic reference books and classic fiction covered two walls.
It's the only piece of genuine classic fiction I've ever owned.
"Yes, but they were works of classic fiction."
From classic fiction to the latest journalism, the standard plague story is of inexorability, inescapability.
Reading some classic fiction and nonfiction has definitely helped me to feel sane again.
It produces illustrated hardback editions of classic fiction and non-fiction books.
The house's mission was to return to classic weird fiction, which Ruber sought to do.