It promotes the show as mixing a classic Latin genre with Hollywood aesthetics.
"Over the last few years we've seen a lot of success for the reinvention of classic genres with digital techniques."
Nico - Bangkok, Thailand - 2 days 11 hours ago Portman's beauty is of the classic genre.
As usual in these cases, the basis of education she received was the classic genre.
Dyad is a "tunnel racing puzzle shooting" game that uses a number of new concepts to build upon a classic genre.
Fidra Books also publishes other classic genres, such as adventure and school stories.
Plato divided literature into the three classic genres accepted in Ancient Greece: poetry, drama, and prose.
The play borrows elements from other classic genres, but not entirely of them.
North park also has an active book discussion program, reflecting popular, mystery, and classic genres.
In obedience to the classic crime-writing genre, James finally offers up the guilty party, resolving a complicated plot with impeccable logic.