She resonates to classic silhouettes and kind of timeless beauty.
The pieces are designed in elegant and refined styles, with classic silhouettes, as well as edgy Hollywood influences, such as metallics and faux-fur.
Elsewhere, an unknown person with the classic black silhouette of a man reads the news on the computer and comments on how he is getting closer to his plan of a Silent Night.
In the latest collection, their point proven, they moved to more classic silhouettes.
Its corporate symbol is the classic silhouette of Miles Davis blowing his trumpet, but with a television set for a head.
The collection features classic silhouettes with contemporary designs created through the use of clean lines.
The fancier look focused on a classic silhouette (right) that imposes a form on the wearer.
These studio monitors have been the industry standard for their signature sound, accuracy, and classic silhouette for over two decades.
Cook retained the "classic silhouette" of Electro's suit from the original comics, but removed his star-shaped mask.
Her milliner's creation was a broad-brimmed hat that curved to form a classic silhouette of her face.