After this she basically retired from the screen, making only one more big screen appearance again in the classic thriller 'Airport 1975'.
Five of his six early works are regarded as classic thrillers.
The production itself never does, yet it still manages to exert the addictive pull of a classic thriller.
The reason is simple: it's a classic thriller that sustains suspense even when characters and plotlines are stretched perilously thin.
So although her play was a classic thriller, its smooth surface concealed something deep and dark.
In a major Broadway revival of a classic thriller?
That's a sure sign, as it was in "Gaslight," the 1944 film version of a classic Victorian thriller.
She made only three films, all directed by her husband, the most notable of which was the classic thriller, Les Diaboliques (1955).
Douglas compared the film to classic thrillers, however stated that the film began feeling far-fetched as the story progressed.
Rotten Tomatoes notes, "Taut pacing, fine performances, and a great plot make this a classic thriller."