The classic triad for congenital rubella syndrome is:
Mr. Smith told investigators that they should be alert to a "classic triad" of injuries in a baby who has been violently shaken.
Once an aneurysm has ruptured, it presents with a classic pain-hypotension-mass triad.
The classic triad of findings for this disease are fever, rash, and history of tick bite.
The following symptoms may be associated with acute or chronic hyperglycemia, with the first three composing the classic hyperglycemic triad:
Historically medical practitioners would expect a person to present with what is known as the classic triad of symptoms.
But our patient had abdominal pain, constipation and anemia, the classic triad for lead poisoning.
Patients often present with the classic triad of left lower quadrant pain, fever, and leukocytosis (an elevation of the white cell count in blood tests).
The classic triad of cirrhosis, bronze skin and diabetes is not as common anymore because of earlier diagnosis.
This unusual and complex allergic reaction - with its classic triad of fever, rash and renal failure - was a perfect explanation.