Wood argues that Jefferson took this action from his classical republican conception that liberty could only be retained in small, homogeneous societies.
The first of these points is not relevant here: as will be shown later, it does not contain the classical conception of trust wording.
Chapters 1 and 2 presented arguments in favour of'disaggregating' the classical Marxist conception of social classes.
In it, he applies his classical conception of drama to a setting in contemporary London for the first time, with invigorating results.
Constellations embodied a fixed, classical conception of the universe.
But what's striking is his classical conception, his elegance and his ear for songs.
Therefore, anarchists join a classical conception of the individual as sovereign of himself, which forms the basis of political consciousness.
This is an important distinction, since it relates to a fundamental dilemma in the classical conception of what is legitimate in punishing crime.
It also means a more complicated view of humans than the interpretation that is often put on the classical conception - that we are 'naturally evil'.
Edward Nelson criticizes the classical conception of natural numbers because of the circularity of its definition.