Neither practice has the rigour of the design of the classical experiment.
A classical experiment illustrates this possibility.
He demonstrated through his classical experiments the inducible nature of the DNA repair system.
The idea is supported by classical experiments in which doctors inserted tiny electrodes into the brains of awake patients.
The three point bending test is a classical experiment in mechanics.
It could be a classical experiment in a laboratory setting, a double-blind study or an archaeological excavation.
The planar geometry offers a variety of advantages compared to the classical experiment:
The classical experiment to test for self-administration involves humans or animals connected intravenously to both a source of the drug and to a saline solution.
For example, in Pavlov's classical experiments, hungry dogs heard music when they were given food.
They take research biology for 10 periods a week, with five of those periods in a laboratory for work on classical and original experiments.