Spotting the classical friezes and column capitals embedded in the walls is a minor pleasure compared to others this splendidly situated castle has to offer.
In low relief along a classical frieze, tortoises alternate with hares.
A highlight of the facade is a series of classical friezes representing the great entertainment genres.
Fossils and abalone shells were embedded in the concrete walls, and plaster casts of classical friezes hung in the overlooks.
It was like a classical frieze Bosch had seen in a cemetery or a museum somewhere.
LeRoy W. Henderson Jr.'s image of a young ballerina posed in front of a classical frieze aptly appears under "Beauty."
Graves's classical frieze, while marvelous to see for the first time, eventually has the effect of making it all seem like too much.
The result is history painting, American-style, perfected: laden with sociological data but as still as a classical frieze.
The arch is made of brownstone from Portland, Connecticut, in Gothic style, and composed of two medieval towers joined by a classical frieze.
Other, more modest impressions are reminiscent of incisions on classical friezes.