Covered with classical ornament and painted bright colors, they seem to be on loan from Disney World.
The biggest challenge is to keep costs down: classical ornament has traditionally relied on time-consuming masonry and millwork.
He mined his Roman drawings for figures and classical ornament for the rest of his working life.
The classical ornaments clashed with the stark an- tiquity of the weathered stone building, and their heavy pedestals crowded the white crocuses.
'Renaissance' architecture in England, with full classical ornament, isn't supposed to appear until the late 1540s.
Michael Graves, too, has recast Disney characters as classical ornaments.
The exterior was embellished with classical ornament in the loose way of ambitious Jacobean buildings.
Local craftsmen responded with mass-produced wooden imitations of classical ornaments.
Notated jazz music incorporates most of the standard "classical" ornaments, such as trills, grace notes, and mordents.
For the ladylike look, do try this at home: classical ornament, floral prints, pert little chairs - and always think pink.