All the facades are richly embellished with swags and classical ornamentation.
Three additions have been made to the house, but it still retains its original symmetry and classical ornamentation.
The building's main entrance has a two-story portico with classical ornamentation, and the rear features a hemicycle.
The east (front) facade has a central entrance portico featuring classical ornamentation.
It was completed in 1932 and features classical ornamentation.
It has minimal classical ornamentation in its design.
The distinctive style is exemplified in the building's symmetry, central emphasis, and classical ornamentation.
Their classical ornamentations, unfortunately ruined, suggest that the sanctuary belongs to the first half of the 12th century and is older than the gopura.
It was completed in 1932 under the supervision of architect James A. Wetmore, and features classical ornamentation.
This style is heavily influenced by colonial-era precedents and employs classical ornamentation.