E. M. Subramaniam (India), is a Carnatic classical percussionist.
A 24-year-old whose first record will be released next year by Blue Note, he was pursuing a career as a classical percussionist until recently.
Bennink was born in Zaandam, the son of a classical percussionist.
Peter Brown - Drums; jazz drummer and classical percussionist, currently performing and teaching in Skagit County, WA.
The workshop is intended for professional percussionists of every stripe: jazz, rock, traditional and classical.
In 1998 she recorded an album with the Swiss Percussion Ensemble, a group of four classical percussionists whose instruments were mainly made of glass.
Michael Skinner is a jazz drummer and classical percussionist.
Motian's method lay between the supply of texture, colour and rhythm that a classical percussionist sporadically injects and the groove-laying drive of a jazz drummer.
Umayalpuram K. Narayanaswamy (1929-1997, India), was a Carnatic classical percussionist.