Some of those buildings were Spanish palaces in their time, and the ancient wooden portals, the upstairs balconies and the classical pilasters are still intact.
Flat geometric patterns and chevron designs reflect the architectural details of the building's exterior, as do the fluted classical pilasters.
A subtle use of colored marbles emphasizes the individual elements of the classical Corinthian pilasters and entablature.
On the side walls two tiers of round-arched windows alternate with classical pilasters.
The Ark is composed of dark wood paneling and classical pilasters.
At Fossanova there are buttresses set against the walls but they are small and more like classical pilasters than any form of flying buttress.
It features a hipped roof covered in red tile and four classical pilaster topped with Ionic order capitals.
The ordered rows of windows emphasize the horizontal, while the classical Doric pilasters at the entrance emphasize the vertical.
It shows the couple in his office, with a wood-panelled floor and walls of false marble with three classical pilasters.
The arched windows are divided by classical pilasters (attached columns) and circular medallions.