Generations of Fowls glared down at him from classical portraits.
On some decks, Caesars has had Gemaco (je-MAY-co) print Roman emperors and classical portraits for kings, queens and jacks.
In the central character, Bazarov, Turgenev drew a classical portrait of the mid-nineteenth-century nihilist.
His pictures uphold the traditions of the classical portrait while at the same time express a modernity that makes them truly of the moment.
The gallery has over 15 000 works of art in its varied collection, ranging from classical portraits to Nova Scotian folk art to Inuit stone carvings.
Venetian artisans imitated amethyst, as can be seen in a glowing purple bowl embellished with a classical portrait.
Both can be seen as 'classical' portraits and stand in almost contra-distinction to his surrealist portraiture.
In their mask-like reproduction of almost identical forms, they run counter to any expression of unique personality, which differs from the classical portrait emphasizing one person's individuality.
Demeulemeester says the only time fashion entered her consciousness in her girlhood was when she made drawings of classical portraits; she noticed the relationship between the subject and his clothes.