The text is in places heavily dependent on classical precedent.
The Records of the Grand Historian (ca. 100 BCE) may have a classical precedent for this meaning.
Despite the general idealism of classical art, this too had classical precedents, which came in useful when defending such treatments in the Renaissance and Baroque.
Nor was the form of these buildings informed by an understanding of classical precedents.
As with many entries, the inspiration for the plan was rooted in classical precedents like the Greek amphitheater and the Baroque plaza.
Yes, a good case can be made that the contrast between exterior rawness and interior refinement reiterates the classical precedent of relating architecture to landscape.
The horizontal delineations of the facade reflect the classical precedents of the architectural style.
There are neither the shrill and overstated details that are often associated with post-Modernism nor the precious duplication of classical precedent here.
In the second half of the 18th century, particularly after the coup of Gustav III a new direction was taken employing classical precedents.
Like that visionary project, Mr. Holl draws on classical precedent.