At 17, Wilson earned a music scholarship to Ohio Wesleyan University, where he studied classical trumpet with Larry Griffin, graduating with a bachelor's degree in music education.
He began with study of classical trumpet in Georgia, but by 18 had switched to jazz and moved to New York City.
I had seen him on TV, playing classical trumpet and talking about music.
Kleine grew up at the Bodensee and with 10 years age started to study classical trumpet.
Leone received a Bachelor's degree in Music Performance in 1998 from Texas Tech University, focusing on classical trumpet.
Though not his first choice of instrument, he began studying classical trumpet with Jerome Ziering at Cleveland Junior High School at the age of 11.
"I don't know anyone who can play classical trumpet better than Wynton, when he has devoted his attention to it."
There he learned to play classical trumpet, which was good for the school when the nuns did fund-raising concerts on cruise ships or in the United States.
He attended Manhattan School of Music in New York where he studied classical trumpet from 1960 to 1964.
He attended the Peabody Institute, majoring in classical trumpet and music education.