He set many of the novel's classical verses to music, taking as long as four years to deliberate some compositions.
He was also a scholar of classical verse and published Shi no Genri ("Principles of Poetry",1928).
While a graduate student in physics, he adapted Edward Fitzgerald's famous adaptation into classical Chinese verse.
His poems, which represent an important stage in the revival of classical verse in Byzantium.
His non-satirical serious classical verses have also been regarded as very well written, in league with the other great works of Persian literature.
Most commentators assume that this referred to their "slippery" effect on meter in classical Greek verse when they occur as the second member of a consonant cluster.
And many creators of classical verse and prose were women themselves as well.
Love poems (in both classical and free verses), Paris, Grassin, 1967.
Like the choriamb, in classical quantitative verse the ionic never appears in passages meant to be spoken rather than sung.
In recent decades, Iraqi poets have broken out of the forms of classical verse into experimental constructions and more contemporary imagery and language.