Classically educated and a diplomat with the Seneca, Parker had also studied law.
As a youth he was classically educated and studied Sanskrit, the Vedas and the Upanishads.
He was classically educated and had a quiet, sensitive temperament.
Linda Fairstein - suburban born, classically educated, intelligent, impeccably dressed - spends her days thinking about vile and abominable acts.
His file said he was classically educated and had the equivalent of special-forces training with the Irish army's fast-reaction Rangers.
Gia Long explained to his court in 1814 that the goal was to create a cadre of classically educated, politically loyal administrators:
"Anyone who is classically educated is familiar with the myths," Jean-Claude said.
Pettit was educated classically, settled in Burlington, New Jersey, and began his career as an iron merchant.
Though Australian-born, Bean had been classically educated in Britain.
Other sources claim that as one born into wealth and classically educated, Bourn was partially motivated by a sense of civic responsibility.