In it, the band explores a classically influenced sound.
The band is inspired by eclectic tastes that range from indie bluegrass to classically influenced contemporary pop and jazz.
The restaurant claims to offer "classically influenced European and American cuisine," and indeed the menu is all over the place.
Elliot Minor are a classically influenced rock band from York, England.
The Cathedral's architecture is Baroque in style and capped with a classically influenced dome.
Less personal are the classically influenced monuments created by Walter Dusenbery, a 1984 fellow.
The cathedral was built from 1904 to 1907, is Italian Renaissance in style and capped with a classically influenced dome.
While classically influenced, the music of each game often diverges into other genres, including folk, rock, electronic, swing, and choral.
Cale has also written a number of film soundtracks, often using more classically influenced instrumentation.
His hallmark rapid staccato style is classically influenced (audio sample below).