This classification indicates that a small problem has occurred.
The classification indicates the kind of treatment which can include herbal remedies, massages, ceremonies and in other cases, professional medicine.
In addition, as the classification indicates, these rings act as an interface in 2D.
The classification of these enzymes by substrate-usability does not necessarily indicate enzyme substrate preference.
In their simplest forms these classifications indicate average grain size, and the degree and form of the spread around that average.
The stellar classification of B2 III indicates this is a giant star.
These classifications indicate that they are both quite rich; NGC 869 is the richer of the pair.
A stellar classification of G6 III indicates this is an evolved giant star.
In Russia, station positions were as rigidly hierarchical as the classification of both stations and passenger accommodation into five categories might indicate.
(Typically, such classification indicates an assurance of quality and distinctiveness which is primarily derived from a defined geographical region.)