Prior to sentencing, US United States Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger delivered a 46-page classified memorandum to the sentencing judge.
Their plans had been detailed in a 162-page classified memorandum filed with the court.
Longhofer's new position was designed, according to a classified memorandum, to "enhance cooperation and control" between the Army and the C.I.A.
The State Department spokesman, Richard A. Boucher, said tonight: "I'm not in a position to comment on reports of classified memorandum from our intelligence folks."
The question of who provided the 16-page, classified memorandum to The Weekly Standard is the subject of a leak investigation, according to government officials.
Another C.I.A. official noted in a classified memorandum dated Dec. 13 that the Administration proposal contained "inconsistencies, contradictions and incomplete work" that would not escape close scrutiny by Congress.
"Withotit of- fense, I wonder if you do. . . . 'You send a classified memorandum, delivered under the highest priority to this office-to my own person, to be exact-and the substance of what you say is nothing short of incredible."
The idea, as developed in a classified memorandum that Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld circulated last month, is to keep squeezing the North Korean leaders until they collapse.
A classified memorandum of understanding between the two countries was signed in November, but broad disagreements remained.
But not until last month did President Bush sign a classified memorandum that tells the security agency to shift its focus to Federal classified systems, revising the original Reagan Administration orders.