According to the New York Times, Mr. Fakrizadeh is described in classified portions of American intelligence reports as deeply involved in an effort to design a nuclear warhead for Iran.
By the end of the meeting, the President instructed Jules Wilson to follow through and make sure the new Encryption Lok-3s got on the classified portion of the pending Defense Appropriation Bill.
The tribunal confirmed the determination that Al-Marri was properly classified as an unlawful combatant based on the classified portion of his file.
Representative Jane Harman of California, the top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, said that what the White House released Tuesday was broadly consistent with the classified portion of the report.
It will also prepare a report for the Defense Subcommittee containing recommendations on funding, which the Defense Subcommittee would use in developing the classified portion of the Defense appropriations bill.
The classified portion will be sent to the Congressional intelligence committees, but will not be disclosed.
At the meeting Prince Saud asked Mr. Bush to release the classified portion of the Congressional report so it could be rebutted.
The joint Congressional committee finished its report last December and issued a version that deleted classified portions.
The 32 page ruling was published on September 1, 2009, after classified portions had been redacted.
As an example, they cite a classified portion of a Congressional report last month that they say suggests Saudi Arabia has provided much financial assistance to terrorist groups.